Kinston Teens and smART Kinston host History Harvest
Two local nonprofit organizations, Kinston Teens and SmART Kinston Foundation, are partnering to uncover the forgotten, untold, or overlooked history of one of Kinston’s most historic neighborhoods – Mitchelltown. On Saturday, August 5th, Kinston Teens and SmART Kinston Foundation are inviting anyone with memories, stories, photographs, objects or other artifacts related to the Mitchelltown neighborhood to attend a “History Harvest” from 9 am to 1 pm at Temple of Deliverance Worship Center located at the corner of Lenoir and Mitchell Streets.
A home in the Mitchelltown Historic District
A History Harvest is a collaborative, community-based approach to uncovering the untold stories of a particular area. At the History Harvest, community members with memories of Mitchelltown are invited to share their stories, photographs, and other objects and participate in a conversation about the significance and meaning of their artifacts. “Although we may be a small town, Kinston’s rich history is notable and significant,” said Chris Suggs, founder & CEO of Kinston Teens. “We’re excited about partnering with the SmART Kinston Foundation to dive into the history of the Mitchelltown Historic District with members of our community.”
Mitchelltown, located just west of downtown, is one of Kinston’s oldest neighborhoods and is a nationally recognized historic district. Mitchelltown is rougly bounded by Vernon Avenue, Herritage Street, Rhem Street and the Neuse River. The neighborhood is home to many historic homes and the former Glenn Raven Mill. In recent years, the neighborhood has been the target of revitalization efforts as SmART Kinston Foundation and the City have worked together to revision the neighborhood as an Arts & Cultural District.
Old Kinston Power Plant located in the Mitchelltown neighborhood
Stephen Hill, SmART Kinston Foundation founder, hopes that the History Harvest will connect newer residents with long-term residents. Hill says, “This will be a great opportunity to honor our past by listening and recording the stories of the many people and families who have helped make this neighborhood a special place.”
After the Harvest, the two organizations will work with local artists to preserve, exhibit, and share the histories collected with the wider community. Kinston Teens and SmART Kinston Foundation hope that this History Harvest will be the first of many, with future Harvests focusing on different neighborhoods throughout the City of Kinston.
The Mitchelltown History Harvest will take place on Saturday, August 5th from 9 am to 1 pm at Temple of Deliverance Worship Center in Mitchelltown, located at 314 West Lenoir Avenue. Refreshments will be provided. All members of the community are welcome to attend. If you would like to learn more or volunteer at the event, please contact Kinston Teens by phone, 252-522-8012 or by email:
Kinston Teens is a youth-led nonprofit organization with a mission of empowering Kinston’s young people and improving our community through service, leadership and civic engagement.
SmART Kinston Foundation is a public non-profit dedicated to growing Kinston & Lenoir County’s creative economy—and recruiting artists to Kinston’s Arts & Cultural District.