We have some big news!
Join us for an Office Warming!
Kinston Teens is proud to have had such measurable success in such a considerably short amount of time. We’re grateful for the support we’ve had from our community, and look forward to continued support in our efforts to improve our city and empower the next generation of leaders.
We invite you to join us on Tuesday, August 4th from 4:00PM until 6:00PM for an Office Warming in our new office! Additionally, we’ll be having our ribbon cutting with the Kinston-Lenoir County Chamber of Commerce at 4:30PM.
This is a great chance to learn more about our organization, and how you can be a part! We hope to see you there!
Kinston Teens, Inc.
327 N. Queen Street, Suite 111
Kinston, NC 28501
Since it’s inception, Kinston Teens has recognized the need for designated workspace for organizational purposes, as well as a central location for small meetings, project planning, and a base for Kinston Teens members to call “their own.” Research suggests that it’s important for young people to have a workspace to foster their passion in community building work:
“Young people need a home base that provides steady connections to adults who can build a team, broker opportunities and facilitate relationships with other adults, organizations and businesses.
But young people also need designated work spaces equipped with phones, computers and other office equipment and supplies needed to do their jobs. They need a serious place to do serious work.
A good home base creates an environment in which young people can develop work relationships, hone their ideas, manage their tasks and responsibilities and develop a sense of accountability.
Ideally, a home base should be physically accessible, located in or near a neighborhood or community where young people live and where they will focus their work.
- A “home base” provides a system of support that connects youth to organizational resources and designated reliable adults.
- Youth need designated, accessible workspace, access to basic office resources and facilitated opportunities to engage in community change work.
- Creating a “home base” in the neighborhood is important to ground youth engagement work at the neighborhood or community level and to create ownership.”
from: Core Principles for Engaging Youth in Community Change Work The Forum for Youth Investment, July 2007
We are proud to announce that we now have office space in the Kinston Enterprise Center, located at 327 N. Queen Street in downtown Kinston! We feel that this is the best location to foster the leadership development of our members, as well as the growth and organizational development of Kinston Teens, Inc.
Our vision has been to have a Youth Resource Center in our office to increase the awareness of, and promote programs and resources that benefit the youth of our community. This center would create a central database and “resource map” of programs in the areas of mentoring, outreach, academic success, college and career preparedness, and social guidance to be easily accessible to the community at-large. Additionally, we plan to host biannual Community Youth Resource Fairs that promote and increase the awareness of these programs, to ensure that all of the youth in our community have access to these positive outlets and opportunities. The Youth Resource Hub would also assist in volunteer assistance, recruitment, and referrals for programs that benefit the youth of our community.
Being the first initiative of its kind in our community, our goal would be to establish a continuing relationship with all youth-involved programs and initiatives in the impact area. Through the efforts of this cause, we would see an increased enrollment in youth services programs in the areas of mentoring, tutoring, outreach, and college and career preparedness. In turn, this would positively impact student performance in schools and activeness the community.